Hey are you emo???

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this quiz helps figure out if you are emo or not. Do you think you are? Have others suggested you are emo and you are not sure? Take this quiz.

Sorry I couldn't think of some questions! But it does give good results, which you will see.

Created by: zoey1234
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. so what do you do with your free time?
  2. Someone trips you. what do you do???
  3. Fave color?
  4. fave animal
  5. soooooooooo ur parents?
  6. dogs cats monkey....what are you?
  7. whoa lighheaded?
  8. poooooo
  9. almost done! good eh?
  10. YAY last question. and ya i apoligize. i couldnt think of nothin else!

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Quiz topic: Hey am I emo???