hawaiian island quiz

if you got a high score.good job.you know everything about hawaii and the hawaiian island.you know what all the of the island population.you know the nativeplant.

if you got a low score i am very sorry but you don't know anythingso you should go back to school and hit the books.if you don't want to go to the school and read just go on the internet.

Created by: miley15
  1. what is the 1st island
  2. what is the 2nd island
  3. what is the 3rd island
  4. what is the 4th island
  5. what is the 5th island
  6. what is the 6th island
  7. what is the 7th island
  8. what is the 8th island
  9. what is the capital of hawaii
  10. what is is the state bird opf hawaii

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