harry potter or percy jackson

a lot of people love harry potter are you one of these.gryffondoor slytherin hufflepuff or ravenclaw hopefully you love this quiz i made i tried this is my first quiz

also a lot of people love percy jackson i love both of these but percy jackson i like a little bit more please put your answers in truthfully because it wont work otherwise

Created by: coolgirl12
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. would you want to ride a dragon or a pegasus (flying horse)
  2. mount olympus or hogwarts
  3. butterbeer or nectar
  4. underwater or up high on a broomstick
  5. orange and black or gold and scarlet
  6. gryffondoor or posidon
  7. slytherin or kronos and luke
  8. red or blue
  9. .................................
  10. bye

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