Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone Movie Quiz

Thank you for taking the Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone Movie Quiz! Check out the rest of our website! I hope that you like the Harry Potter movies and books.

This quiz is about Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone Movie! If you have not watched Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone Movie then you should not take the quiz!

Created by: Owner
  1. What happens to the glass at the zoo?
  2. Who falls in the snake's cage when the glass disappears?
  3. Who is the first magic person that Harry Potter meets when he is eleven?
  4. Who are Harry's two best friends?
  5. What house does Harry get placed in?
  6. What position does Harry play on the Quidditch team?
  7. What Broom does Harry get?
  8. Who gives Harry Potter his new broom?
  9. What is Fluffy gaurding?
  10. Who has Voldemort's face on the back of their head?

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