Guess the Twenty one pilots lyrics!

There are many Twenty One Pilots fans out there, but few true, die hard fanatics. Do you like Twenty one Pilots? Are you a big fan? Do you know the lyrics to most of their songs? Then take this quiz.

Do you know all the lyrics to all their songs? I hope you do, because this quiz is pretty hard, unless you are a huge fan of Twenty One Pilots who knows all the lyrics!

Created by: xThirsty

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. All my friends are _____, take it slow
  2. We used to play ______
  3. Sometimes quiet is _____
  4. I know we've made it this far, _____
  5. I will not ______
  6. I will make you _______ everything you see
  7. I _____ and I will lie
  8. I'm _____, so I'm taking my time on my ride
  9. Your grandpa died when you were _____
  10. There's _____ of land in front of us
  11. So, the ____ ran out of gas
  12. We don't ____ what's TV
  13. Gangstas don't ____
  14. She's a butcher with a _____
  15. Did you enjoy this quiz? (Does not affect your score)

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