Are you a conservative or liberal? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a conservative or liberal?
Your quiz results
Are you a conservative or liberal?
Your Result: Conservative 81%Conservatives believe in traditional family values, strong policies on law and order and are against the legalization of drugs. You think this country was founded on and should still be a capitalist nation. As for President Obama, you think he and Nancy Pelosi are out to try to expand government and limit your freedom. You are not worried about Al Gore's global warming because real scientist have proved against it. You want smaller government and more freedom. You are somewhat against to abortion. You want the right to bear a gun, the last thing you want is for the government to go into your home and set your thermostats so the government can feel good about global warming. You believe in states' rights. You don't want Washington to tell you how to live, eat, or think. I recommend you hear radioshows like Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Glenn Beck. Watch News Network like Fox News and watch Commentators like Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee, and Glenn Beck.
43% Independent
15% I Don't Know
12% Liberal
Accurate except for the climate part -
hey crys i luvd the quiz idk wat some of the questions were though haha im independent
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