How 4chan are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How 4chan are you?

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  • 92% not bad for a FEmale, I go back to kitchen nao.

    -You are the true face of 4chan. You're the type of person who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on Youtube, gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me... and yet, I love you.

  • You are the true face of 4chan. You're the type of person who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on Youtube, gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me... and yet, I love you.

    Don't forget. All your base are belong to us.

    Agar Man
  • You are 89% 4chan material.

    You are the true face of 4chan. You're the type of person who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on Youtube, gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me... and yet, I love you.

    Can I has delicious caek nao? ;_;

  • You are 91% 4chan material.

    "You are the true face of 4chan. You're the type who finds racist jokes and sick humor hilarious, raids CoS, makes personal army requests whenever you see someone you dislike on youtubem gets off to 5-year-olds, and calls Gamestop at 3 AM to ask for Battletoads. You scare me... and yet, I love you."

    Well I don't fap to five year olds....

  • 77%

    I have been to 4chan only a few times, and the only things I've posted are a request for a link to the rules of the Internet and a question about what'd happen if Yotsuba met Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes (that'd be hilarious). I learned the rest from the Internet. Yay TV Tropes, I guess.

  • 4chan is for sad lonely people who dont apriciate life and wish to toil away their days fapping and posting utter crap that no one likes. It's simply pathetic! I urge you not to throw your life away with this monstrosity. Do something useful with your life, something worthwile.

  • MUDKIPZ? How old are you? My guess: around 12! I don't care what a 'get' is! GARY OAK? More **&%$%& amp;** POKEMON references? You are 12! MY favorite movies are Kelly's Heroes & Green Berets (tie) . MY favorite animes are Urotsukidoji & Demon Beast Invasion (tie)

    the BARON
  • You are 0% 4chan material.

    You should probably never, ever visit 4chan because it will anger you to no end and/or scar you for life. That being said, get off the Internet. Now

    • I got that and who cares? NOBODY.

  • >You're an average 4channer - far from being a newfag, with plenty of knowledge of our subculture and various memes, and the potential to be downright hilarious at times. Yet you've managed to keep a few shreds of your sanity, and aren't the out-of-hand Anonymous that makes it to those news reports. In other words, you are the best kind of 4channer.

    >In other words, you are the best kind of 4channer.

    >the best kind of 4channer.
    >the best

  • You are 0% 4chan material.

    You should probably never, ever visit 4chan because it will anger you to no end and/or scar you for life. That being said, get off the Internet. Now

  • Go look at ED for a while?

    ED is the cancer filtered into a concentrated form. Please don't EVER tell someone to lurk ED.

    Tell them to lurk the actual site and wikichan.

    I got 64%, but only because I don't visit /b/. I go to /tg/ and /v/, and sometimes /co/.

  • 0%

    You should probably never, ever visit 4chan because it will anger you to no end and/or scar you for life. That being said, get off the Internet. Now.

    Damn teenagers and their series of tubes.

  • 26% for 4chan...
    Never been there, but I do wanna see it.
    And no, I do not have a favorite anime.

    Last time I tried to watch it, it bored the (insert most horrifying word ever invented here) out of me.

  • 8% You should probably never, ever visit 4chan because it will anger you to no end and/or scar you for life. That being said, get off the Internet. Now.

    NO, im going to 4chan now. (ive never been before....wish me luck.

  • And what's greentext?

    I know what flipping text is and what wordfilters are, and I can get around them and do them, but I don't know what greentext is.

  • Well, I had no idea what was being said in the questions,

    I was just bored in studyhall.
    I don't even know what 4chan is.

    Could that be because I have a life, perhaps???

  • 100%

    this quiz doesnt even touch the tip of the iceberg when it comes to memes and memeology, i'd prefer a more in-depth questionaire personally, yet another epic fail to come from the newfag cancermill they dare label a hive-mind.

  • What the hell is this four-chan you are talking about? I know that "when I was" is from MCR, who is amazing, but what is the point of that? and what is Caterday and all the anime and game references? "mudkips," "vegeta,"Julianna Rose Mauriello?"

    P.s. 92%.

  • I got 60%.

    And what's this about ED? ED hates 4chan, but it describes it pretty accurately enough to scare people away from it.

  • After years of lurking, it's more evident then ever the extent of failchans, well, fail. This really is the last straw.

    tl;dr I don't know you, but we can't be friends

  • Aimi is 19%...Good, because Aimi has NO idea what 4chan is and only took this quiz to find out. But it turns out it was useless. Aimi has some ideas of what it is though, and frankly, she's glad she's not one. Stupid weirdo's.

  • is it sad that i got a fairly high score on this quiz and have never been to 4chan?

    i gain most of my knowledge of The Internet from research and the rest from my brother. XD

  • I've noticed that the more time I spend on the Internet, the higher a score I get every time I take this quiz.

    I've gone from 26% to 60%.

  • Lol sadly enough I understood the Mudkip and Gary Oak references.

  • Idiots, /b/ IS the cancer. It cannot be killed.


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