Am i bisexual or straight? for women only | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Am i bisexual or straight? for women only.
I just took the quiz, and I am bisexual by 82%
Bisexual but mainly for women 82%
Straight 24%I was just wondering, and I found this... As a girl, i was like. Well s---... who am I gonna tell? The tomboy me was like chicks over dicks! Omg....Omg.OmgOMGOMGOMG!!!! 0-0
Wut do i do ladies????
What do I do,my parents are homophobics! Laddies and gentle men! Please help this bish!
I'm bi and 13 I'm single and looking for someone around my age
Lol mind wasn't a lie it true bisexual I have 8 girlfriends isn't cool
Teema1 -
am I the only one whos friends keep on telling them that theyre gay and start making fun of you honestly Ive been taking these quizzes and Im coming out STRAIGHT also CATRA FOR LIFE THO LIKE
I am 19 soon 20 and i'm not sure if i am bi so i take this quiz. Fb: Maratree S Germanotta. Would love to talk with you if you have the same problem.
Mileyth1 -
I just found out that I am officially bi and hopefully the gurl I'm crushing on is too
I have taken many tests and they all came out as Bi. decided to take this test as I have grown strong feeling toward my best friend. What do I do ??????????????????? ?????????????
This is not real. Frist I took one to knonw if im a lesbian and surprise it look like i am. Then I took another one and said i was straight. An now yhis one said im bi?
This test confuse me even more!!! I still don`t know what to do. Im in love with a friend and i don�´t know if i should act on it or just let it be....
Gabi891 -
Pregunto, creo que me gusta una chica, pero adems de q ya estuve con ella y fui muy feliz, le gustaba a una amiga e hice sufrir a mi amiga y ahora me odia, yo lo saba, pero no pens que le dolera tanto, porque yo estara feliz por ella. Pero es que en el momento que conoc aa chica que me gusta fue mi apoyo en una etapa difcil, creo que no es la primera chica que me gusta, pero fsicamente puede ser que no me gusten las chicas. An me siento muy confundida, no importa si soy bi, homo, hetero u otra, solo quiero saberlo ya...
so I am 14 and I have been straight my whole life and ps I am a girl and there are three girls I would date and I like them would that mean I am bi??!!
savcole1 -
This quiz said that i am 90% bi but i still dont know ... i kind of have both gender crushes but still cant believe that i might be bi...
there is nothing wrong with being bi. I'm bi too it's completely normal- don't let anyone tell you otherwise x
14 and apparently bi. How do I come out???
I am 21 soon 22 years old and I am bisexual but for the first time I it's really true
I already knew that, b----
Am a bisexual but mostly atracted by women
Bucunga1 -
I think I’m bi sexual but I feel as tho I can’t tell me friends because they won’t accept me😴
Safiyah1 -
omg bi and proud sounds like a predator
Im bisexual I love both guys and girls!!!!!!!!!!!!
saber771 -
OMG I gust fauns out am bisexual n Idk how 2 tell my Fam Dat am bisexual am sow f--- scird Idk what day going 2 tink Abt me bit the only1 Dat know is my bf Dat. Am bisexual :'(
im pretty sure im straight but idk.. and i got bisexual... im so confused now!
i am only 11 and im bisexual...but already new it tho
HooMaN1 -
I'm falling for a straight girl :(
13 and bi. Scarred to come out.
i am scared. i think i am bi cuz i like a guy and a girl but i hear these stories about gay people being shot. i cant tell anyone!!! ): i feel like not myself
luver61 -
i think im'bi curious this quiz helped me understand myself i'm attracted to women and men