R u a cute baby | Comments

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  • I got Cute Toddler which is definitely what I think that I am. I love wearing onesies with my thick diapee underneath it, sucking on pacifiers, sleeping with my stuffies in a crib, watching tv shows like paw patrol, and having my daddy take care of me. Nice to meet you!

  • I got cute Toddler. I love wearing my hair in pigtails with pretty ribbon bows, sundress with a thick diaper underneath. I still use pacifiers and drink out of bottles. My favorite cartoons are Puppy Pals and Tots.

    • I am glad someone can enjoy theirselfes, just continue with your personal indulgence.

  • Your Result: Cute Toddler

    You are a very cute toddler Mommy will make u wear diapers you throw a fit then she'll make u wear baby clothes too. You act really cute once you are dressed you only crawl. Yay UwU

    little foxy

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