Do You Have Derealization/Depersonalization | Comments

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  • I feel like im just daydreaming through life in that moment. Only for a couple minutes. I think I have mainly derealization with a bit of depersonalization symptoms. I feel disconnected like im dreaming or separated by everyone through an invisible wall. Things apear to be slightly bigger, smaller, further away or closer than they actually are and I can feel things a little less than normal (physically) and everything sounds a little quieter. I havent been officially diagnosed with depression or anxiety but I might have depression? I dont really know at this point.

    40ft table
    • And sometimes when I experience it I think Is this real? Yeah i think so what it it isnt? No i know it is. Im getting this weird feeling again wow this is weird jeeze im thinking a lot of thoughts at once WOW OH GOD IM THINKING A LOT THIS IS SO WEIRD and then my thoughts go bacj to normal.

      Ok sorry I just needed to vent about this somewhere

      40ft table
  • i feel like im in limbo no one can relate or just doesn't get i used to get tired sometimes from feeling this way and my anxiety and depression dont help at all but anyway im just tired all the time music helps slighty im so disconected from my self the one thing that makes me feel better is drinking its like when i drink im completety disconected from reality drinking fills the void inside me ive been dealing with this for a year and a half why me if drinking make me feel this way i wonder what lsd or mushrooms will make me feel weed make me feel the same

  • i am scared :( i dont recognize myself, i dont feel like me.. someone help :(

    • Hi i can help Im dealing with the same thing

    • It feels like im not me

      Stranger me
    • Take a deep breath, then do something to ground yourself. I like to listen to a favorite song (upbeat is best), have a scent or familiar item (lavender for me), and try to hold something (I tend to loose feeling in my hands when depersonalizing, so I wrap my hands in loose ribbon, string, or a scarf to remind myself not to panic.) Remember, it can be scary, but you'll be fine. No matter how you feel, you are still yourself and you can figure out the best way for you to personally deal with this. You've got this!

      Logan Read
  • I'm busted T-T

  • It's weird just vibing around and then "is this a dream"

  • Do you have to have panic attacks to have this?

    • I dont think so. I think its just common because it can be overwhelming and scary

      40ft table

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