Which Red dead redemption character are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Red dead redemption character are you?

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  • You're Bill Williamson 88%

    Once again if you were a bad guy this great for you you used to run in a gang with Dutch but i'm not sure if you ever tried to make America a better place but if you did you failed miserably. But who cares? All of New Austin is scared of you! The Bollard Twins, Walton's gang they can't compare to you and your infamous gang! You died but you died like I want to: held at swordpoint by a Mexican tyrant while John shoots you in the face.

    84% You're Dutch!
    45% You're John Marston!
    42% You're Reyes
    12% You're Marshal Johnson
    8% You're Landon Ricketts
    0% You're Bonnie Mcfarlene
    Pretty Close to Dutch.

    The faded smoke
  • Your Result: You're John Marston! 91%

    Awesome! You're John Marston! You are rough,tough and badass. You can kill entire armies of bad guys with just a revolver and a rifle. You will do anything for your family and the cool thing is you can't die! You will always respawn! You owe me cookies for giving you this result.

    91% You're Marshal Johnson
    60% You're Dutch!
    60% You're Landon Ricketts
    55% You're Bill Williamson
    41% You're Bonnie Mcfarlene
    15% You're Reyes

  • Your Result: You're Dutch! 82%

    If you were a bad guy in the game than this is great for you! Dutch was my favorite bad guy. You used to be fighting to make America a better place but that didn't work out so you just kill everything you see. You die in the game but whatever you're still cool.

    82% You're Bill Williamson
    70% You're Reyes
    48% You're Bonnie Mcfarlene
    40% You're John Marston!
    12% You're Marshal Johnson
    0% You're Landon Ricketts

    The faded smoke
  • Your Result: You're Dutch! 79%

    If you were a bad guy in the game than this is great for you! Dutch was my favorite bad guy. You used to be fighting to make America a better place but that didn't work out so you just kill everything you see. You die in the game but whatever you're still cool.

    79% You're Bill Williamson
    69% You're Landon Ricketts
    65% You're Reyes
    65% You're Marshal Johnson
    52% You're John Marston!
    21% You're Bonnie Mcfarlene

    The faded smoke
  • You're Dutch! 92%

    If you were a bad guy in the game than this is great for you! Dutch was my favorite bad guy. You used to be fighting to make America a better place but that didn't work out so you just kill everything you see. You die in the game but whatever you're still cool.

    84% You're Bill Williamson
    50% You're John Marston!
    30% You're Landon Ricketts
    30% You're Marshal Johnson
    22% You're Reyes
    0% You're Bonnie Mcfarlene

  • I gotten John too, but Dutch was pretty close.

    One question I had to lie a little on. It asked if I played as a good guy or bad guy. Well I beat the game twice, one time I was really good, the other time I was really bad. So I just picked one.

  • John or Bill slightly Dutch.

  • You spoiler of game

  • Ha I owe you cookies? Ha sure. I'm John Marston. Nice quiz.

    garcia kid
  • I got John! And my Friend too now were fighting bout who's the best marston.

    You me fight NOW
  • i got john but i wanted bonnie cause she's fricking awesome

  • i got john but i wanted bonnie cause she's fricking awesome

  • i got john but i wanted bonnie cause she's fricking awesome

  • I got john! Thats 100% a win in my book. Great quiz by the way :D

  • i got landon ricketts i wanted marshal


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