Extreme Pee Quiz | Comments

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  • I have a pee holding kink so I thought this would be fun. I already has to go and by the first question was already holding my bladder. When it got to the naked part I was jumping and crossing my legs trying to get my clothes off, and so much came out. But, I consider myself to have a strong bladder, and a big one at that, so since I still had a kit of pee left I kept going. By the last final questions I was on the floor half crying because of the pain. But it was good pain. I was able to grab a towel and bunch it up just in time because tonight when I lifted my hand to but the bunched up towel under me, the floodgates opened and my pee went all over the place. My shirt got soaked (I wasnt wearing anything at the bottom) and I had to clean and spay everything in my room. It was fun tho, and I might try it again on a full bladder

  • Wow great quiz by the way when i was 4 i was laying on the couch and I was watching TV and I had to pee really badly. I'm used to asking my mom to pee or poop first before actually going to the bathroom. my mom got up from the computer and walked to the bathroom. A few seconds later, I sat on the toilet and did not have enough time to pull my pants and undies down and I wet myself XD btw I have a poll for y'all at: [no urls]

    Minty animations
  • So I was just in my room when I felt the urge to pee I just decided to forget about it but then the urge became unbearable. I then decided to take this quiz and by the 5th question I was soaked.

  • i an hurophobic but i love pee and watching girl pee i wasnt sure this test would be good or not but i gotta say it i peed like a baby i loved this quiz and at the hot glass of water whitout knowing a had a huge I MEAN A HUUGE wet spot on my pants (iw done this with pants bc to feel more wet and that was great) then i camed i filmed myself im proud of myself thnks a lot i love you person who done this!!!!

  • I had a full bladder and thought it would be easy then when I took of my cloths and put only my panties on I started to end it by the end of the quiz I was soaked in warm bliss and sat in it for 20 minutes then started playing with myself and passed all over my hands

  • I did this when i woke up. I was already busting for a toilet but my friends wouldnt let me they made me do this quiz and when i went to school they still wouldnt let me. then they locked the bathrooms and i had to hold it all day. when i finially got home i couldnt move and a crawled all the way to the door. the bathroom was upstairs so i crawled all the way up. but my brother wouldnt let me in the bathroom and i waited and waited and i finially made it in a peed for 30 mins.

  • I was doing this quiz with my friends, Emma, Anya and Emily and we thought it would be easy. Well it wasn't. Emily literally peed at question 1, no joke. At question 6 Anya spurted and Emily's puddle got bigger. By question 8 me and Emma were really desperate, and Anya completely wet herself. Me and Emma peed just after the quiz finished, but I let Emma go to the toilet, so I peed on the floor while Emma had the luxury of using the toilet, the lucky sucker.

  • i did his quiz while rlly needing to pee but somehow passed, but then i went to bed and woke up in the morning to find myself lying amongst the biggest wet spot i've probably ever seen. Anyway I changed my sheets nd hoped against hope my mom or dad wouldnt smell it or see it or somehow know i wet the bed. So i figured all of the pee was out of me already and put GREY LEGGINGS on, then got on the bus nd went to skl. We had an assignmnt due at the end of my 4th lesson but my belly felt a bit weird so i was like umm ok? anyway i went up to the desk and handed in my assignment and then heard a faint dripping noise, and everything went rlly warm and weird and my belly was gradually not feeling as weird but bcz i am stupid i didnt realise what was happening so i just thought it was raining and everything. baring in mind my entire class was staring and some laughing at me i have no clue how i didnt notice. i also dont know how i didnt feel it coming out, is that a sign of some condition or something? anyway i got back on the bus to come home and dropped my bus ticket and even then i was getting tons of weird looks from everyone and a little kindergartener even said 'mommy i thin she needs a diaper again' and i was like dude excuse me but yeah i bent down to pick up my ticket and saw my leggings were a darker grey than usual, and then it hit me - in 4th period i felt weird because i had WET MYSELF. THATS WHY EVERYONE WAS STARING AND LAUGHNG AND SOME RECORDING, BECAUSE I HAD WET MYSELF.i just did not make eye contact to anyone on the ride home and when i got in the house my mom was standing waiting for me with a soaked sheet in her hand - she'd found it in the washing. that was last week and my mom makes me wear diapers every night and then she found a video on youtube of me walking around in my own pee like the clueless idiot i am and now i have to wear diapers to skl as well and its rlly visible and i am so embarrassed :( i figured i could just wear a skirt to hide most of

  • My friend Emma and I did this quiz and I was super desperate by the end, leaking and spurting uncontrollably. After the quiz Emma made me do the splits and I completely peed. She tried to run to the bathroom after but *still peeing* I grabbed her ankle, spread her legs into the splits and the peed everywhere!

  • So I was alone at home and tried to do this bc I had to pee and I drank a lot. Every question I squirted, leaked, or peed a lot. I put diapers on before this and at the end there was my bulging diaper and a massive puddle was under me. Later I tried again with my gf (Im les) and we both wore diapers and as we did it she filled her diaper and a bit overflowed and mine was a massive overflow (we both drank the same amount of water) and after that we got cleaned and drank MOREE water till we were both bursting and made out. (We peed on each other) now I am typing this with a diaper on that is bulging bc I tried this quiz again... I kinda had to s--- too when doing this so there is a bit of poop in my diaper... lol.. still rlly have to s--- tho...

  • I decided to do the quiz on a full bladder and I pee a full bladder on every single question and at the end, I still had a full bladder at the end and as I went to the bathroom with every step I peed an entire blader and by the time I got to the bathroom I still had a full bladder and ended up staying there for an entire hour because as soon as I had finished peeing I had an entire blader full instantly and couldn't leave for the entire hour.

  • I decided to try these and I just ended up peeing everywhere all over the floor while doing jumping jacks I had to stop halfway through and grab my crotch but the pee was travelling through my hand and I grabbed a cup and peed in there but there more pee in my bladder so I held it and carried on but it forced its way out and I sat on the floor crying

  • I just laughed and peed reading peoples answers

  • I did this in my fursuit and it felt so relieving. I stood up after a while and did the potty dance. Then I felt my d--- getting warm and I bursted. Omg, it felt so good I pees for 10 minutes straight! Lolol

  • I have already done this before but was doing this with my friends. Everyone needed to pee so bad before we started but i cant explain how bad i needed to pee i had hsd a load of lucozade and fanta before and i needed it SO bad my bestie also needed it rlly bad i could tellbut she didnt say anything. oh btw there nanes were lily (My bestie), sophie, lola and jasmine. I spurted atleast on every question. Jasmine peed herself first then lily. i had no jdea howbi was still holdibg it hurt sok bad and the bukge was massive i was literalky almost crying. I did a massive stream but stopped i tried ti run to the toilet but they didnt let me sophie and lola peed there self at the same tjme and i had won. But there was a twist. whoever wkn was not allowed to pee for anotger 45mins. They said i had ti have a full bottke of lucozade and coukdnt pee fod 45mins. I am 40Mins thru and have peed soo much but im not allowdd ti move. In holding myself and figiting so much. I have peed alot but i still have some left thats how bad i need it. Finally i can go but u cabt move withhout peeing. I am stresing every few seconds byt there is dtill moreleft i cant hold it anymore. Im peeing it feels so good!! I oeed fir a whole 4mins. Tgat was torture!! I was suprised i had more left i peed so much during all of that

  • Heres my story so once I was in eighth grade and it was math class and before that was lunch and after lunch I said its fine I only have to go to the bathroom a little but the then like 15 minutes later when Im in the first bit of math class I really have to Pee when I asked the teacher can I use the bathroom she says no you can go after and there is still an hour left of math class and I had to really pee like I mean like all the sudden P your pants in front of everyone Pee thats how bad I had to pee One math class was finally over I remembered I had to do a presentation and it was in two minutes before I had to go but then all the sudden when I was in the middle of my presentation and I peed my pants everyone was staring and laughing I was so embarrassed true story.

    Cute cat 123
    • I feel sorry for u i had a story like that where i couldnt pee for the whole school day i need to pee since 2nd period (Atound 10 Oclock am) And didnt get to pee until 4 oclock pm it was torture

  • I was home alone and wanted to try it, so I did. By question 7 I was starting to spurt a lot and my bladder hurt to even TOUCH it, so I knew I wasnt in a good spot. By question 10-11 it all started flowing out of me!! Uncontrollably, I started peeing a whole river and the puddle surrounded my feet! I was super drenched and wet..and Im still peeing my pants now as I comment this! Ive been peeing for about two minutes now! Ow god it still hurts!!!

  • It was night when i did this i was at my pops for a sleepover and at hot water on bladder it all came out i was like ooh s---

  • Keep making quizzes

  • I did this with my friends (Georgia Maren and me Jenna). We all had to pee before this and on question 3 Georgia peed herself and we skipped question six and I peed myself on question 7 and Maren was holding it in on the last question she passed she sat on the ground and went she tried to stand there was pee everywhere and my mom came in and we all had wet pants *ps we all had the same clothes size so they took some of my pants* and they went home thats my story and bye!

    Moonlight cookie
  • i finished the quiz but i started to do excercise to see how long i could hold the pee y started the excercise and i started to leak so i put my hand to try to stop the leak and y go the faster i could to the bathroom and when i took my hand off my blader to take off my pants and undewear and my blader didnĀ“t last even a second before bursting in pee all over the floor,walls and my own cloth (if you wonder why the wall is because i,m a boy).

    just for fun3
  • I took this quiz while at a medium sized bladder. I started spurting REALLY BAD at like 15-16 mark

    In the end...... I am still very much squirming and trying my best not to pee myself typing this

  • I had done 2 pee quizzes b4 this and was spurting already. On every question I peed a load I thought I was empty on the relaxing question bc I'd peed so much b4 that. I relaxed and peed and peed and peed I absolutely wet myself it felt so good but I was punished :(

  • im did this today cuz i im sick and im staying home. i have a really strong bladder so i drank 7 cups of water and waited 2 hours. by then i was literally about to burst and then i did this quiz.on question 4 i was holding my crotch SO TIGHT. my hands were stuck in my crotch, i crossed my legs jumping around doing the pee pee dance. then i couldnt move my hand from my crotch or else i will PEE SO VIOLENTLY. my couisin come in my room and saw me holding so tight and asked "do u need to pee girlie?" i screamed at the top of my lungs YES REALLY REALY BAD. shes so caring and carried me ALMOST TO THE BATHROOM when i started to leak i told her to put me down. and since i am sick i coughed from screaming. i had to move my hand from my cough and cover my mouth. that was the moment, I PEED. i peed for 3 minutes strait so hard.after peeing i have NEVER FELT SO GOOD IN MY LIFE. i felt so bad and she gave me a hug after.

  • Aargh Seungmin is in the bathroom showering (he always takes super long and we only have one bathroom in the dorms, which is just stupid with 6 people) and i feel like i'm gonna explode!


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