Are you transgender (MtF)? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you transgender (MtF)?
Cool I got 100% transgender girl
hi girls im a pre-op transexual just waiting for my surgery date now i live and work as female and im treated as such i wish you all well in finding your true selves.
sabrina11 -
hi girls im a pre-op transexual just waiting for my surgery date now i live and work as female and im treated as such i wish you all well in finding your true selves.
sabrina11 -
hi girls im a pre-op transexual just waiting for my surgery date now i live and work as female and im treated as such i wish you all well in finding your true selves.
sabrina11 -
YES! I scored a 86 on MTF! I just feel that im trapped in a boys body and wish that I could break free from this body.
Evee1 -
All you guys should now th e surgery ranges from 2'000 to 138,000 dollars
JC0511101 -
I am 92% female I didnt think I was trans
chose answer to gender question as FEMALE I love wearing Women clothing Hoping for surgery in near future
Maggie231 -
I scored 0% on it. I am very male. I love being a male. Definitely male.
Good quiz though.
7/10 No Pepsiman.
Would definitely go gay for Pepsiman.GregWh1 -
I score a 97 M to F
I scored a 92% let me transition.
Tayy2631 -
Misty 86 % and I love wearing female clothes
dazy1 -
Got 89 %. Seems very accurate.
I had a dream a few hours ago, and the dream had effect on me. ;~;
How'd I change my username? D:
nah this gave me the boost of affirmation i needed
87% MTF I love it OMG I love being a WOMAN and always felt I am a WOMAN. So WOMAN it will be. Thanks for the positive verdict.
I took this quiz thinking it was ftm lol.
I got 6%, i'm probably just a cisgendered male.
that made me happy, I'm "passing" online
I got a 85% female. Go me.
To stefie: good for you (not being sarcastic i swear) hope you have an easy time
51%... Hmm... Apparently he can't tell. I could go either way I guess... Huh.
Cvm888881 -
Apologies for getting back rather late. Here's the link to the FtM quiz: [no urls]
Enjoy :)
Gostei muito desse questionrio onde pude me identificar como tal.
Luciano1 -
Damn I didnt think that I was actually trans.
OwO191 -
I scored 100% M to F
hippypip1 -
Am so happy to be 73 percent female, now to get rid of the 25 percent of my male side is my aimin life