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Gabby has been my girlfriend for quite some time now and i deffinately love her with all my heart but idk sometimes i wonder what other ppl think about her.

take this quiz and show me what you feel about her, she is amazing , beautiful, funny , smart... sometimes haha if you know her haha take the quiz lol

Created by: tyler

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you think of gabby's eyes?
  2. have you ever seen gabby's feet?
  3. if you knew gabby had a boyfriend would you still get with her?
  4. what do you think gabby looks like when she wakes up?
  5. how long do you think her longest relationship is?
  6. what is gabby's favorite color?
  7. would gabby hit you??
  8. do you think gabby could get any guy she wants?
  9. would you trust gabby with your life?
  10. what is gabby's best feature?

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