Friends Or More?

Do you like someone?! Are you confused on whether or not he likes you as a friend or girlfriend? Take this quiz, it's very accurate. Be honest! Are you meant to be friends or more? ♥

If you like a boy as more than a friend, but are unsure if he feels the same way, take this quiz. Do you have a feeling at all? Still take it. Very accurate! Be honest when you answer for the best results! Leave the question blank none of the answers fit you. ♥

Created by: NicoleMS

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. How often does he call or text you?
  2. Do you hang out outside of school/activities?
  3. Does he ever look at you, and when you look, does he look away?
  4. How long have you two known each other?
  5. Has he ever touched you're arm/hand/shoulder, or winked/smirked at you?
  6. Does he try to include you in stuff?
  7. Does he crack jokes around you?
  8. Is he a gentleman? (does he hold doors for you, help you up if you fall?)
  9. Does he make an effort to talk to you?
  10. Does he sit/stand close to you?
  11. Does he get along with your other friends and parents?
  12. Do you get along, have some things in common, or talk comfortably?
  13. Does he tease you playfully?
  14. Does he protect/stand up for you?
  15. Have you been answering these questions HONESTLY? If you don't, you'll just be hurting yourself.

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