Forum Trivia for

This is a very specific quiz that only a very limited amount of people will understand. It has to do with the newly started forum at and is a way for us to test and use the quizzes at If you have no experience with the forum, then this test will make no sense. If you are a member of the forum then good luck and have fun!

Anyone who is interested can go to the forum at and check it out. We welcome posts of any kind whatsoever and are always looking for exciting new members. no ads, no strings, no nothing. You can even post anonymously!

Created by: Jaems of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is used to indicate how many posts a person has made?
  2. Before the site was called, what was it called?
  3. Describe the correct order of events...
  4. What happened?
  5. Which items are cross platform?
  6. What does MouseMusic2 do?
  7. Who played the part of the original Shoutbox Jesus?
  8. Where was Nordic born?
  9. Describe the order of events
  10. Larissa is
  11. The site Games including "Crazy Taxi" are made using:
  12. Where is the Jnote chatroom located?
  13. How do you change nicknames in the chatroom?
  14. How do you clear the screen in chat?
  15. Which of the following is not a valid command in the chatroom?
  16. Which of the following has been a forum bug?
  17. You can do which one of these?
  18. What is the name of the second member to join the forum?
  19. What can anonymous users do?
  20. Can you make a post in Read Me Please?

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