First Aid Practice Test

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You did great inthe first aid practice test. You will do great in the first aid test. All the best.I hope my test has helped with the first aid pratices test.

Created by: Farwa Khan of firstaidpracticetest
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  1. 1) Your check of the scene suggests that a victim has suffered an electrical shock. The first thing to do is...
  2. 2) A victim of a car accident has just vomited and now appears to be coughing up blood. He is breathing very quickly and his pulse is weak and fast. What is most likely wrong?
  3. 3) You are caring for a victim with a burned hand. Put the hand in cool water if...
  4. 4) In general a splint should be...
  5. 5) A victim has lost a lot of blood through a deep cut in his leg. He is breathing fast and seems pail and restless. He is probably...
  6. 6) You suspect that a person has been poisoned. She is conscious. Your first call should be to...
  7. 7) Which would you do when caring for a seizure victim?
  8. 8) Splint an injury to a muscle, bone, or joint only when...
  9. 9) For which of the following burn victims should you immediately call your local emergency phone number?
  10. 10) A 15-year-old boy has just splashed a chemical on his face. After sending someone to call for an ambulance, you would...
  11. 11) Why should you cover burns with a clean or sterile dressing?
  12. 12) You find a person at the bottom of the stairs. He appears to have fallen and seems badly hurt. After sending someone for help, you would....
  13. 13) A victim has a large piece of glass sticking out of her leg. You should...
  14. 14) What should be your first concern at the scene where a person has been seriously burned?
  15. 15) A woman has fallen and burned her ankle. She says she heard something snap. She looks pale and is sweating. What should you do?
  16. 16) Which of the following should be done for a person experiencing a heat related illness.
  17. 17) You feel a sudden sharp pain in the bottom of your left foot. You look at the bottom of your left shoe and see a tack sticking in your shoe. What type of wound do you probably have?
  18. 18) Which should be part of your care for a severely bleeding open wound?
  19. 19) What should you do if you think a victim has serious internal bleeding?
  20. 20) Which of the following behaviors reduces your risk for injury?
  21. 21) Which is the first step when caring for bleeding wounds.
  22. 22) How can you reduce the risk of disease transmission when caring for open, bleeding wounds?
  23. 23) You have tried to control a victim's bleeding with direct pressure and elevation, but the bleeding doesn't stop. Where would you apply pressure to slow the flow of blood to a wound on the forearm?
  24. 24) Dressing and bandages are used to...
  25. 25) Most injuries are due to situations that....
  26. 26) Where is the carotid artery located?
  27. 27) On an infant, where would you check the pulse?
  28. 28) For an infant who is choking, you would perform....
  29. 29) Breathing emergencies may be caused from....
  30. 30) A person, who is unconscious, not breathing, has a weak pulse, needs....

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