Finding Your Growth Path

This short self assessment should help clarify where you might start honing your skills. Once finished, you are likely to see where you might benefit from stepping out of your comfort zone.

You can use the result to guide you into a growth path. It should give you a good idea of which section of the course would be useful for you to tackle next.

Created by: Terry Shapiro
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. With which activity are you most comfortable?
  2. Which medium do you regard as your professional home?
  3. Which medium do you find the most compelling?
  4. Which medium do you find yourself most drawn to in watching others cover your beat?
  5. Which medium are your competitors using to cover your beat most effectively?
  6. What are your competitors using most to add depth to their coverage?
  7. Which medium is most likely to make your stories easier for your audience to grasp?
  8. Which medium is likely to draw the biggest audience to your stories?
  9. Which medium is likely to give your stories greatest impact?
  10. Which medium will permit you the greatest interaction with your audience?
  11. Which medium do you find least appealing?
  12. The thought of having to work in which medium scares you most?

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Quiz topic: Finding my Growth Path