Dragoon Trivia 1

Who were Bolts father and mother? Does Splint have a mechanical hand? Is Wepno Tyranus a cold-blooded murderer? You will find out soon after taking my test...

Do YOU know everything about Dragoon? Test yourself to see how much you really know!!! If you think you know everything about Dragoon, than take my quiz, but I almost guarentee you that you don't know it all...

Created by: Obi Wan

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What color is Wepno's main lightsaber?
  2. Chucky Lazardo
  3. What species is Bolt Maull?
  4. Splint Maull is Bolt's younger brother.
  5. Splint Maull has
  6. Bolt and Splint's parents were
  7. The capital planet is
  8. What way was Foofu Tutu suposed to be executed?
  9. What is Wepno Tyranus' favorite mode of transportation?
  10. What color is Wepno's ship?
  11. What is the most powerful Dragoon weapon?
  12. What is Dragoo III ship's name?
  13. What species is Splint Maull's mother?
  14. What is the name of Bolt's Astro-droid?
  15. What creature did it turn out to be in the back of the cave?
  16. What 4 weapons are on Wepno's wrist console?
  17. What group of pirates are the "good" pirates?
  18. What group of pirates are the "bad" pirates?

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