dose your ex still have an atachment

you may hve many exes but little to choose from and you might only have one ex but thats cool if you have many exes only few of them have feelings and if you think your ex has feelings or an attachment take this quiz right now seriously take it

do have an ex that might have feelings for you but you dont know dont just sit there wondering take this quiz and instantlly you will find out and i mean it

Created by: samanthaleecampbell of
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. your ex sees you roaming around your ex.....
  2. its a party season you get ivited to party and by luck its your exes your ex.....
  3. you tell your friends to tell your ex that yous need to talk your ex.....
  4. you find out your ex likes your friend ohno and your ex.....
  5. by luck your ex is at your house No your ex.....
  6. you and your friends are walking to gether and you see your ex your ex.....
  7. you are at your school disco and you and your ex are crowened king and queen your ex.....
  8. you see your friends haning out with your ex your ex sees your how does your ex respond.....
  9. your ex sees you roaming alone your ex.....
  10. you and your ex finally get to talk your ex.....

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Quiz topic: Dose my ex still have an atachment