Hey guys! I am back with another, not a real, quiz! So, why did you click on this quiz? I don't know either! Please leave!! Why are you still here? Leave please!

Are you a clicker or a smart person? If you are a smart person/ animal, you would of just not have clicked on this quiz! Anyway, have a purr wonderful day!

Created by: Misty Kitty
  1. Why did u click this quiz?
  2. So, because u clicked this quiz. I will ask random quiz questions!
  3. What is 1+1?
  4. Will u leave?
  5. Ok, then.. What is 798624234676585 x 6?
  6. What is my name?
  7. isjfiuehvhfuyeoiyrfidgfuehfuyeeuefjkutuwrtywrkufywhr56345ete7ryer7uftewr
  8. Find the missing # 12346789
  9. Hi
  10. Last question!
  11. I lied!!
  12. Bye

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