Does your crush love you?

You like him. You know it, and so does your bestest friends. You want him so bad but, one thing is in your way.Does he like you back? Take this mind-boggling test to find out...

Best of luck to you as you take this quiz to find out what he really feels about you. But the quistion is, are you ready for the awnser? There is only one way to find out right? So take the test and dont take the awnser too litarally becouse it may be completely wrong.

Created by: heather
  1. How much do you know about him?
  2. Do you ever talk to hin?
  3. Do you ever see him sneeking a peek at you when your not looking?
  4. Do you like him?
  5. Do you ThinK he likes you?
  6. Doess he ever touch you?
  7. Does he know you like him
  8. Does he tease you?
  9. Does he send friends/notes to you ever?
  10. Are the notes nice?
  11. Are you friends?
  12. are you friends with his friends?
  13. does he complement you?
  14. how does he make you feel?

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Quiz topic: Does my crush love you?