Does she like you?

There are many girls out there. But do you have the right one? A girl will keep you company and love you till the end. Never let her go she will always be there for you.

Do you like a girl? If so your good. But the question is does she like you? This quiz will let you know. Try it out and hope that she does. Results not for sure. Just make a move.

Created by: halshorses28
  1. Does she stare at you?
  2. Does she ever talk to you?
  3. Does she talk about you to her friends?
  4. Do you like her?
  5. Does she text you?
  6. Does she flirt with you a lot?
  7. Is she nice to you?
  8. Does she dress nice to impress you?
  9. Does she have the same hobbies as you?
  10. Is she hang out with you at school?

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