Does NBC Own Your Thursdays? (The Ultimate Office Trivia Quiz)

The Office is quite possibly the greatest television show in the history of NBC original comedy series that were take-offs on hugely successful British programs of the same name.

I made this quiz for those of you who feel as strongly as I do, for those of you who count the hours until Thursday night and memorize the crooked smile of Jim Halpert without meaning to.

Created by: Molly
  1. Which of the following has Creed NOT done?
  2. What is Pam's favorite flavor of yogurt?
  3. At the Office Christmas party, what does Michael give to the Asian waitress from Benny Hana? (Or as Michael called her, his "rebound?")
  4. Jim has convinced Dwight of all of the following absurdities EXCEPT:
  5. Speaking of disturbing, what is Dwight's pet name for Angela?
  6. What is the name of the kitten that Angela offers to Pam in a rare moment of female bonding? (By the way, Pam, you should have taken the kitten.)
  7. What is Michael Scott's ringtone?
  8. When Andy comes back from anger management training, what new name does he choose for himself to match his new, nonviolent personality?
  9. What the hell is wrong with Pam? Is she brain dead? Can't she see there's no sense in denying that she and Jim are MADE FOR EACH OTHER?
  10. In Kevin's own words, who's hotter: Karen or Pam? "Pam is taller than Karen, and she has bigger breasts, too. But Karen has a prettier face. But Pam's face is really pretty, too. It's tough."
  11. During Diversity Day, Michael brags about his ethnic background. What part Native American does Michael claim to be?
  12. At the Dundees, what does Phyllis win?
  13. How does Ryan heal Michael's foot when Michael cooks it on his George Foreman grill?
  14. What is Kelly's drink of choice?
  15. I'm getting tired of writing questions and answers, so this'll be the, second to last one. Who is the best character on the Office?
  16. Michael: Who here has ever had a disability? Phyllis: I had scoliosis as a girl. Michael: Never heard of it. No, real disabilities. Not womens' troubles. Creed: When I was a teenager I was in an Iron Lung. Michael: Wha-How old are you? THAT is why

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Quiz topic: Does NBC Own my Thursdays? (The Ultimate Office Trivia Quiz)