Does He Truly Like U?

Lots of females wonder if their crush loves them as much as they love THEM. I even asked myself that question over and over. Luckily, I answered my own question by making this quiz.

Do YOU ever ask yourself that question? It nags people's minds, distracting them. I hope that my genius work of art (this quiz) will answer this annoying question. ENJOY!!!!

Created by: Emma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does your crush ever do stupid things to get ur attention?
  2. Does ur crush blush when he talks 2 u alone?
  3. What does your crush say you to you every morning? (Warning: BE HONEST)
  4. Is he athletic? If so, r u?
  6. Do you ever make i-contact with this guy? (choose carefully) :D
  7. Duz this dude make fun of you and tease you to make you blush?
  8. Did u like this quiz?
  9. Does ur guy ever poke or tap you just to be funny?
  10. Final question: Does ur crush give u little gifts in ur desk or table?

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