Does He/She Like Me?

this quiz was a way to find out small answers about everyday life. Theese aren't the most perfect results but they work. this quiz was just to get some type of clue of someone liking you.

No ones perfect we all know that so dont get worried if someone doesnt like you how you want. the person you like doesnt hate you so dont worry about anything.

Created by: Macaila

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does this person talk to you often?
  2. Does this person have a nickname for you?
  3. Does this person try to be near you in a casual way?
  4. Was that last question to akeward? If so, sorry.
  5. Does this person flirt with you alot?
  6. Does this person flirt with other girls/boys?
  7. Does this person always try to get your attention?
  8. Did you enjoy taking this quiz?
  9. If you did good for you if you didn't well thats to bad.
  10. Thank you so much

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