Does he love you?

GIRLS ONLY: girls ya'll may take guys signs totally wrong take this quiz to find out if he loves you because mabye he will after all be your true man!

Does he love you? Take this quiz and see if he loves you, just likes you, or is head over heels!!! !!!

Created by: abby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Does he call you?
  2. does he smile/wink at u
  3. does he talk to u
  4. does he ever tease u
  5. does he try to make u laugh
  6. does he look in to your eyes when u talk
  7. what is your favorite color
  8. have ur friends caught him starring at u
  9. hurry pick one
  10. how was this quiz

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