Does he like me?

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Ever heard Someone be real flirty? Ever get real suspicious? Ever love someone so much that you just have to know? That's what this quiz is for. Does he really like you? You never know for sure.......

Bí¦, is he yours? Will he be yours? If you really need to know if this guy likes you, take this quiz. He actually may like you. If he does, good luck.

Created by: Lily Iafrate
  1. Does he ever go out of his way to see you?
  2. Any eye contact/movement?
  3. Any odd facials?
  4. Who does the talking?
  5. MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION; Do you like him back?
  6. Do you hang out by choice?
  7. How long ago did you meet?
  8. Do you at least know his username on social media?
  9. Do you see him every day?
  10. Last+best question: Does he listen to you? (If you tell him to do something will he)
  11. Extra: Do you have the confidence to talk to him?
  12. Double extra: Is his flirting noticeable?

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