Do your parents love you?

UMMMMM......I'm not sure what to put here but ummm.....I guess ummm......this quiz will test and see if your loved by your family. Mostly you parents.

Do your parents love you? Take this quiz and find out. If you get a low score, I'm sorry but your parents probably still love. And if you score high, then well done my brother (or sister)!!!

Created by: coolio23
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How often do they hug you?
  2. How do they punish you?
  3. Do they apologize after punishing you and is it sincere?
  4. Do they give you what you want?
  5. Do they listen or care about what you have to say?
  6. Do they take you on trips? Like road trips and stuff.
  7. Do they tell you they love you?
  8. Do they respect you?
  9. Do you respect them?
  10. Do they do things for you?
  11. Do you love them and show it?

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Quiz topic: Do my parents love you?