do you want to make your girlfriend fat?

This is a good quiz. Hello. I hope you end up agreeing with me when I say that this is a very very good quiz. Go on in your lives. Take this quiz now.

The title says it all. That is my explanation. So take this quiz and see what in the heck you get. This is taking a long hard time making this quiz description.

Created by: jeffrey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you want your gf fat?
  2. where would you take your gf on a date?
  3. how much does your gf weigh?
  4. on a date your gf...
  5. does your gf order a lot of food on dates?
  6. does she eat all of her food?
  7. do you order dessert?
  8. your girl is...
  9. her jean's button pops during your date. your response is...
  10. after dinner, your gf is...
  11. do you like fat girls?

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Quiz topic: Do I want to make my girlfriend fat?