Do You Really Like Country Boys? (Girls Only)

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Ok i know this is a weird test, but i was completly bored and if mispell stuff its because this key bored is being retarded! so thats why i will mispell stuff!

are you a genius? do you have the briapower to qualify for that title? untill now you could only wonder. but thanks to this great quz, in just a few mins. you will find out!

Created by: harleyrose56

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think country boys are hot?
  2. Do you like country music?
  3. Would you ever date/marry a country boy?
  4. Are you a country girl?
  5. Do you know of Carrie Underwood?
  6. How often do you listen to music?
  7. Do you know of Luke Bryan?
  8. Do you listen to your music loud or low?
  9. The next question will be weird!
  10. What state was Luke bryan born in?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Like Country Boys? (Girls Only)