Do you really know the true me?

Are you the genius........the person who knows everything?!Or maybe do you know very know a little bit but arent the cleverest person in the world? Find out!!!!!!

Are YOU the person who knows me more than ever! Try and find out! My quiz rocks...take it just for fun! do you know me?After you could make your own quiz! see what sort of questions you need to put in YOUR quiz!

Created by: Niamh
  1. Who is my favourite actress?
  2. Which is my favourite shop?
  3. Who is my favourite actor?
  4. What is my favourite food?
  5. Which is my best piece of make- up?
  6. Whats my favourite shoes?
  7. Who do i support?
  8. Who do i have as a pet?
  9. What is my favourite drink?
  10. Wheres my favourite place to eat?
  11. Whats my best part on my body?
  12. Whats my dream job?
  13. Whats my favourite subject?
  14. Whats my favourite fruit?
  15. Whats my favourite holiday?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know the true me?