Do you really Know "Me"

People who see me may think and have some impressions by the way I talk, dress, look, and behave.But if you read between the lines and get to know me you will find more to uncover

So How much DO you know about "Me" Take the quiz and find out. Remember this is a quz for fun but the answers to the questions are correct and not made up.

Created by: Lilly
  1. When is my Birthday
  2. What is my middle name
  3. What is my favorite subject?
  4. What is my dream job?
  5. What is my natural hair type?
  6. Are my ears peerced?
  7. What is my Nationality?
  8. Who do I like from school
  9. Which teacher do I hate the most?
  10. Which gurl is the most bootylicios and has the best ass?

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Quiz topic: Do I really Know "Me"