Do You Really Know Me?

This is a quiz about me! So if you want to know how well you know me go ahead and take this. I am just typing to fill up the space required to take this quiz so yeah. and actually i think these quizzes are really fun.

DO you know Tatum welllll? Lets go and see! Okay so i am just typing again because it said i needed to type more these freaks. okay so later i am going to see if this is enogh writing

Created by: Tatum
  1. What is my favorite movie of all time?
  2. Whats my favorite colors?
  3. What two TV shows do I watch on Friday?
  4. Would I rather go to a School Dance or an SNA?
  5. What is my sister hooked on?
  6. Whats my favorite thing to do on a weekends?
  7. What is my Favorite type of movie?
  8. Whats my middle name?
  9. Who have I known longest?
  10. Whats my favorite accesory?
  11. Whats my favorite type of food?
  12. Who do I like?
  13. Whats my favorite class at school?
  14. Am I more......
  15. Whats my favorite movie quote?
  16. Do you think I am
  17. What do I think is the most important trait to have in a friend?

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Quiz topic: Do I Really Know Me?