Do you REALLY know me?

It takes a special friend to know a lot about you. Some of the most obvious things, we do not discuss or seem to remember! This quiz will make you dig into your brain about recent or past conversations...get ready!!!

Are you ready to see how well you REALLY know me? Do you think you will pass with flying colors or are you nervous to see the results? Take a chance and see! Thanks for taking this fun to learn more about your friends!

Created by: Brittany
  1. What is my favorite hobbie?
  2. What is my favorite color?
  3. What am I going to college for?
  4. Which one of the following am I more afraid of?
  5. What is my favorite TV show?
  6. What color are my eyes?
  7. How many kids do I want to have?
  8. What re-runs do I watch over and over?
  9. What is my favorite movie?
  10. Where do I want to travel to?

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Quiz topic: Do I REALLY know me?