Do you really know me?

There are friends who you simply say hi to in the hall or wave to on the street then there are friends who you call at 3 in the morning just to hear their voice which are you?

This quiz is to find out how well you know me and how good of friends we are but remember quiz results arn't always exact. So give or take what is neccesary.

Created by: Kali

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. My Fav animal is.....
  2. My fav sports are...
  3. My fav hobbies are....
  4. My middle name is....
  5. I was born on....
  6. I have how many siblings?
  7. I used to hurt myself how.....
  8. Why did i hurt myself?
  9. Did i stop entirely or do i still think about it?
  10. Who was the first boy I dated?
  11. we stayed together for
  12. he moved to....
  13. I dont want to date because....
  14. i made this quiz because.....
  15. I go to Nc every summer to...
  16. I was adopted when i was....
  17. I was adopted when i was....
  18. My fav color is.....
  19. My fav movies are....
  20. I'm scared of
  21. Is my IQ above 120?

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Quiz topic: Do I really know me?