Do You Need/Want diapers?

This quiz will test if you want diapers or not, even if you don't still take the quiz because you will also get an answer, this is just for entertainment and not to be taken seriously

In a few minutes you will find out how you feel about diapers, if you are unsure about how you feel this is the quiz for you. Have fun doing it and don't take it seriously

Created by: Jack jack
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you own diapers
  2. Do you use them?
  3. Do you let others change you?
  4. Would you be upset if you had to give them up?
  5. Which one of these are you?
  6. Does anyone els know about it?
  7. Do you get sexual pleasure from it?
  8. Do you wear when alone
  9. Do you like the quiz?
  10. Thanks for reading

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Quiz topic: Do I Need/Want diapers?