Do You love America?

Finally a quiz to tell you just how American you are! I know you SHOULD be excited, i know I am. If you take my quiz there is a good chance you may lose up to, but not limited to 22lbs. This quiz is a life saver.

Do you love America? I wonder!!! Once you take my quiz you will be able to brag to your friends just how big your love of America is. Mine is huge and throbbiing with patriotism.

Created by: Matt Dennis
  1. Is soccer a sport?
  2. Being gay is...
  3. It's ok to ban guns....
  4. There is only one true savior...his/her name is...
  5. i agree most with the following statement...
  6. America is ...
  7. Opinion on Torture...
  8. Greatest artist/band in the world.....
  9. If given a choice I would rather kill....
  10. The most American sport is....

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Quiz topic: Do I love America?