Do You Know Your Metal/Punk Music?

You think that you know all about metal and punk music aye? well i sont think that you have the guts! so lets see aye! its all about Green Day, Slipknot, Trivium and bands such as them! Good luck with it! and yes this was made by a highly qualified professinal

You think that you know all about metal and punk music aye? well i sont think that you have the guts! so lets see aye! its all about Green Day, Slipknot, Trivium and bands such as them! Good luck with it! haha yeah good luck man! hahehahahehaheahehe

Created by: Kirsty
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who of the following bands has a drummer that joins with Korn and a singer & guitiarst in Stone Sour?
  2. What band was formerly called "Sweet Children"?
  3. What band has an album called "Music With Attitude"
  4. What was the name of the band that are from Australia & there guitarist (a legend) died from a drug overdose
  5. What band has a song titled "Our Laywer Made Us Change The Name Of This Song So We Wouldn't Get Sued"?
  6. What band has the term "Maggots" for fans?
  7. Who is the band that sings a song with 46 f**ks in it? "If I Say F**k, 2 More Times, Thats 46 F**ks In This F**ked Up Rhyme"
  8. How did Green Day get there band name?
  9. How did Green Day get there band name?
  10. Are Fall Out Boy Emo?

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Quiz topic: Do I Know my Metal/Punk Music?