Do you know your cars?

Do you know what cars these are? COME TO FIND OUT!!!!!11!!!

And BTW, for true results, don't google what you don't know.

Created by: joe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What car do you drive?
  2. Do you know what a Suzuki Samurai is?
  3. Do you know what a Toyota Hilux is?
  4. do you know what drive your car is?
  5. what year is your car
  6. Do you know what a Skidplate is?
  7. Do you know what year a Jeep XJ was made?
  8. what is KOH (King Of the Hammers)
  9. Do you know what twin carb means?
  10. Last Question: Do you think you know your cars?

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Quiz topic: Do I know my cars?