Do you know SICENCE!!!!

DO YOU KNOW SCIENCE? (Btw I'm not atheist or religious but have left out all religion to avoid complications) this will cover space, time,elements, and even jokes

Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science Science

Created by: Dave mc Dave son

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Here's a hard one, What is a einstein roosevelt bridge
  2. If I get two watchs set to the EXACT same time, and send one into space for a hour, what will happen to the one in space
  3. What does a AP reader do?
  4. Two neutrons walk into a bar sit down and have a beer, three beers later one neutron says to the other "I think I lost my negativity" the other says "really?" And he says " I'm positive" why is this funny?
  5. What does AC-DC mean?
  6. If a flame is yellow this means.........
  7. What is the sixth element?
  8. What element is AU?
  9. What is a transformer
  10. FE is the element

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Quiz topic: Do I know SICENCE!!!!