Do you know meh (probably not)

Do you know me? Well with this test you will know. The questions are fairly easy but I guess if your not to "smart" then you could really fail this No pressure though :D

Well now you will find out and I hope you score low or even fail because no one wants to be a stalker! Hopefully you are normal but here's a. Hint, I am a llama Always read the description of quizzes

Created by: KingFuffyLlama
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are my two favorite colors?
  2. I'm a llama
  3. Do I like pancakes
  4. I like pewdiepie?
  5. Do I have an iPad?
  6. Can I make a cotton candy llama?
  7. Is this a quiz?
  8. Do I like watching videos when youtubers Google themselves?
  9. Did I have the hiccups while making this?
  10. Did I feel sick while making this?

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Quiz topic: Do I know meh (probably not)