Do you know me?

There are a few good people i know. There are a few good people who know me well. Then there are a few rare people who know me extremely well and know me inside and out. Maybe you can be one?

Hmm...the big question is do you know me? I'd sure like to know who knows me and maybe you think you know me but dont. Take a test and find out. If you don't get a good grade, don't worry. remember this test is a very hard test and is not exactly easy

Created by: Tim
  1. What is my full name?
  2. Where do i live?
  3. What school do i attend right now?
  4. What University do i intend to go to?
  5. What music Genre do i listen to most?
  6. What is my favorite car?
  7. What 3 types of cars will i have when i move to Cali?
  8. How many brothers and sisters do i have?
  9. How old am i?
  10. who is the most important person to me? (non-family)
  11. Who is my hugger?
  12. What did i get my hugger for christmas?
  13. Who is my girlfriend?
  14. Who is my current favorite Artist?
  15. What asian ethnicity am i?
  16. What do i do in my free time?
  17. Fav color?
  18. What age have i been told i looked like?
  19. What do i think are the most adorable things about girls?
  20. How do i treat my hugger?

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Quiz topic: Do I know me?