Do you know ME?

This is just a little something for you to do when you're bored. Even if you don't think you know me very well, take it anyway because the questions are really easy!

If you know me at all, you'll probably do really well. I wouldn't recommend getting this for yourself unless you have a lot of time cause it took forever... so do it! Ok, peace! Good Luck!

Created by: angel
  1. What is my son's full name?
  2. What color are my eyes?
  3. Where was i born?
  4. What's my natural hair color?
  5. What's my favorite time of the year?
  6. Which state does my dad live him?
  7. What's my favorite candy?
  8. How old are my siblings?
  9. What's my favorite restaurant?
  10. What's my kitty's name?

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Quiz topic: Do I know ME?