Do you know me?

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well you have read my magazine. you should know who i am? surely you do? this quiz will trigger your brain as they fight through this intense and extraordinary quiz.

Do you have the brainpower to answer this challenging quiz. In just a few minutes you will be able to find out weather you can jostle for the correct answers?

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is my elder sister called?
  2. what premier league tea do i support?
  3. what football team do I play for?
  4. what is my favourite colour?
  5. what is my favourite place to go?
  6. when is my birthday?
  7. when did i go to disneyland?
  8. what do i hate?
  9. whats my favourite celebrations of the year?
  10. who is my football team manager?

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Quiz topic: Do I know me?