do you have a self esteem

love yourself?wanna find out?want to anser odd questions?your in the right place!this quiz is about SELF-ESTEEM.everybody needs some.always good to love yourself you know?

hope you enjoy.rate,and second quiz:).also,you can crack up at some of these questions.P.S.its kinda an everybody take this quiz sure to tell social media friends about this quiz!

Created by: that pain in the a**...
  1. how do you think of yourself?
  2. what do you do for living
  3. what do you do with/to sibling
  4. your name is one of the following (if anser is other,put name in comments)
  5. what is your nickname
  6. do you have a self esteem
  7. pick one
  8. for fun,pick again
  9. do you have a damn self esteem
  10. did you like this quiz

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Quiz topic: Do I have a self esteem