Do you get Mad easily?

This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...This is such a waste of time...

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Created by: Anjuli
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What irritates you most of the following?
  2. If you'd catch your partner cheating on you, in any way..What's your reaction?
  3. (answer this if you've ever gotten mad) What do you do when you're mad, or what did you do when you were mad?
  4. Mad?
  5. Someone bumps into you, and you don't know the person.......??
  6. Have people ever said to you that you're mad..crazy..nuts..or insane?
  7. Pick a colour.....(yeah this question must be very familiar to you...)
  8. Are you mad at the moment?
  9. Oops, you dropped your glass of water...
  10. I'm gonna have to say Goodbye soon...
  11. Ok, thanks for taking this quiz! Goodbye!!
  12. dje9hofaäpu r43i ogutr3iutjfio äläåå+r894 oyrw rsjfdfhhg fbjyrfoewruwur48754hfsdcdsjl<lewkwghghutoggk

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Quiz topic: Do I get Mad easily?