Do you discriminate against people

Ever wonder if you discriminate against people for there disabilities? well take this quiz, it's a rough guide to tell you whether your a well balanced person who hardly discriminates or someone who needs to work on there outlook.

I was motivated to make this so people could see if they need to work on how they judge others, particularly disabled people. This is only a rough guide so please don't take it too seriously. Please post what scor3e you got as a comment, whether it's good or bad, remember everyone can improve.

Created by: anna

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  1. if you met someone who had a strange walk, would you
  2. if you wanted to ask a question to a blind person, and the blind person and there friend walked by would you
  3. if you had a disagreement (not over a disability related topic) with a person with a disability, would you use there disability as an insult?
  4. If you were a chemistry teacher and someone had broken a box of test tubes, it was ither a girl in a wheel chair or a girl with no disabilities would you
  5. if you were interviewing two people for a job and one was disabled would you
  6. if you had to choose between a disabled person and a person with no disabilities to work with would you
  7. If you knew someone who was blind , when thinking of them what would youfirst refer to them as
  8. if you were chatting to someone online and after a couple of chat sessions they admited to beeing disabled would your atatude to them change
  9. If you were on an online dating site and you could choose between a disabled person or a person with no disabilities, would the fact that one of them was disabled effect your judgement negatively
  10. if you were a judge of a talent show and you had to choose between two people who had both performed with equal skill and one was disabled, would the fact that they were disabled count against them in your mind

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Quiz topic: Do I discriminate against people