do you care about what other people think of you?

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This is to see hoe much you care about other peoples thoughts. this is not to make you feel bad but to notice how much you really care and if you get a bad score than fix it

How much do you really care? I don't care because i think being yourself is very important. i love me for who i am and so should you. if you know someone who doesn't then help them

Created by: evilbunny
  1. we are going to do some role play okay.
  2. some popular kids invite you to a party but you dont want to go but you dont want to look like a loser either. what do you do?
  3. the jocks ask you to hang out at their table for lunch but you promised you'd sit with your best friend, what do you do?
  4. you see your friend smoking when you walk up to them. they ask if you want a smoke. you dont want to ruin the fun but its all so not good for you... what shall you do?
  5. no more role play.
  6. do you get your style of clothing from magazines?
  7. do you like yourself.
  8. would you do things just to be cool or popular
  9. im out of questions............................................
  10. you should just skip the last one and this one

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Quiz topic: Do I care about what other people think of you?