Do you answer the Godess or the Horned God

Recently, I've been reading a fictional series revolving around Wiccan traditions. It's the Wicked series by Nancy Holder and Debbie Viguií¨. And then I thought it be cool to make a quiz about it.

Would YOU pray to the Godess or the Horned God if you were Wiccan? Also, this my 3rd or 4th quiz, so it's probably not very good. On top of that, this is the 1st one I've made in perhaps a year. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

Created by: Anomynous
When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you prefer Night to Day or Day to Night?
  2. Have most/ all of your loved ones died by drowning?
  3. On a score of 1-10, how well do you like gory things or sacrifices? X_X
  4. Ok, I can't quite think of anymore questions, so these'll have no affect.
  5. As I said, no more ideas
  6. Let fate choose.....
  7. Will you pwetty pwetty pwease rate and comment?
  8. Was this test good? '_'
  9. It's done!
  10. Bye bye!

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Quiz topic: Do I answer the Godess or the Horned God